Appeal of Algeria's UGTA (General Workers of Algerian Workers) and PT (Workers' Party) for the Unconditional, Total and Immediate Lifting of the Blockade of Gaza
Algiers, 14 September 2014
To workers, to labour activists,
To defenders of democratic rights
The peoples and workers of the entire world have been horrified by the killing and mass destruction inflicted by Israel and its army on Gaza and the whole of the Palestinian people, unleashing a deluge of fire that lasted 51 days. The macabre tally: 2,150 dead, around 12,000 seriously injured; 20,000 homes destroyed, throwing 25 percent of Gaza's inhabitants onto the street; and all basic infrastructure destroyed (schools, hospitals, factories, roads, universities, etc.), resulting in the destruction of 200,000 jobs.
The peoples and workers of the whole world do not agree that the majority of western governments, beginning with the Obama administration, should arm and support Israel, which is guilty of genuine genocide.
The workers and peoples do not agree that several governments, especially a certain number of Arab regimes in the Middle East, should serve as accomplices in this crime against humanity.
Do the Palestinian people have the right to live? Because what the Palestinian people are demanding is what the peoples of the whole world are demanding: land, peace, freedom and re-establishing their unity as a nation.
On every continent, notably in Europe, in the United States, in Latin America, in the Maghreb, in the Middle East, in Japan, Pakistan, South Africa and elsewhere, powerful demonstrations bringing together tens of thousands -- sometimes hundreds of thousands -- of workers and youth have demanded an end to the killing, an end to the bombing, and the lifting of the blockade that has been strangling Gaza since 2006.
And while Israeli Jews were also demonstrating in their thousands in Tel Aviv to condemn the war on Gaza, hundreds and hundreds of Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide and their descendants in Europe and the United States declared:
"As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. . . .
"Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water. We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. . . .
"'Never again' must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!"
They are right. And the international mobilisation has helped the Palestinian people, through their resistance, to force Israel to take a step back, including a partial lifting of the blockade and ending the bombing.
But the Israeli aggression against the battered Palestinian people is continuing through mass arrests, assassinations, incursions by the Israeli army, the continuation of the blockade and the confiscation of Palestinian land in order to extend the Jewish settlements, while starving and ghettoising the Palestinian populations even further. This is occurring at a time when the inhabitants of Gaza, which is completely devastated, find themselves in total destitution, deprived of a roof over their heads, of food, water and electricity -- in short, they are facing death.
The General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) and the Workers Party (PT), which in Algeria are organising the labour and popular mobilisation in defence of Gaza, solemnly appeal to all the organisations of the international labour movement, from north to south and from east to west, to all activists, to all defenders of democratic rights, to all defenders of peace and fraternity between peoples:
- Let us together demand the satisfaction of the vital aspirations of the Palestinian people,
- Let us support the unanimous aspiration of the Palestinian people: "We do not want to die a slow death."
There can be no peace without the unconditional, total and immediate lifting of the blockade, without the rebuilding of the factories, infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed, without the unconditional re-establishment of the right to fish, without the right to have ports and an airport, without the means for hospitals and schools to operate, without the right to a job, without the right of smallholders to cultivate their land, without the right to electricity and water. . . .
There can be no peace without an end to the repression, without the freeing of the detainees, who include 262 children and many women and people who are ill.
We say: It is the particular responsibility of the organisations of the labour movement throughout the world to put an end to the helping hand provided by every government in support of Israel, its army, and its murderous frenzy.
On this basis, we call for every necessary initiative to be taken to put an end to this murderous frenzy.
Louisa Hanoune
General Secretary, Workers Party (PT)
Abdelmadjid Sidi Saïd
General Secretary, General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA)
Vice-President of the Organisation of African Trade Union Unity
First endorsers in Britain
Islington UNISON local government branch;
John McDonnell, MP;
Ian Lavery MP;
Grahame Morris MP on behalf of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East;
Caroline Lucas MP, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion;
Katy Clark MP;
Jeremy Corbyn MP;
Paul Smith MP;
Elaine Smith MSP,
Neil Findlay MSP;
David Stewart MSP;
Claudia Beamish MSP;
Sandra White MSP;
Richard Baker MSP;
John Finnie MSP;
Jim Hume MSP;
Simon Thomas MSP;
Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM;
Llyr Gruffydd AM;
Leanne Wood AM;
Rhodri Thomas AM;
Alun Ffred Jones AM;
Nicolette Petersen;
Ben Soffa, National Secretary Palestine Solidarity Campaign;
Catherine West Labour Party PPC Hornsey and Wood Green;
Bob Oram, Chair of the Morning Star Management Committee;
Robert Griffiths, General Secretary, Communist Party of Britain in an official capacity;
John McInally, National VP, PCS;
Ronnie Draper , General Secretary Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union;
Ian Hodson, National President Bakers', Food & Allied Workers Union;
Roger McKenzie, Assistant General Secretary, UNISON;
Heather Wakefield UNISON National Secretary Local Government;
Denise Bertuchi, Assistant National Officer, UNISON;
Steve Turner, Assistant General Secretary, Unite;
Diana Holland, Assistant General Secretary Unite, Labour Party NEC member;
Jenny Formby, National Political Officer, Unite and Labour Party NEC member;
Davy Jones, Green Party PPC for Brighton Kempton and Unite the Union;
Cllr Michelle Gregory, Hackney;
Cllr Richard Lufkin, Hackney;
Cllr Keith Morrell, Southampton;
Cllr Makbule Gunes, Haringey;
Cllr Dean Kirk, Hull;
Cllr Gill Kennett, Hull;
Cllr Gary Heather, Islington Councillor and Chair, Trades Council;
Cllr Darren Williams, Labour Councillor Cardiff;
Cllr Nick Davies, Swansea;
Cllr Caroline Russell, Islington Green Councillor;
Cllr John Taylor, Stockport;
Cllr Flora Williamson, Islington;
Cllr William Brown, Lewisham;
Taryn Trainor, Unite Women's Officer;
Diana Leach, UNISON NEC ;
Karen Reissman UNISON NEC;
Polly Smith UNISON NEC;
Bernie Gallagher, UNISON NEC ;
Suzy Franklin, UNISON NEC;
Tony Wilson, UNISON NEC;
Jon Rogers, UNISON NEC;
Max Watson, UNISON NEC;
Lindsey German, Convenor Stop the War Coalition;
Alex Callinicos, Professor of European Studies, King's College London;
Prof Bill Bowring,International Secretary of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, President of the European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH);
Sian Davin Solicitor;
Andrew Berry, UNISON National Labour Link Committee member;
Paul Mackney, former General Secretary NATFHE/UCU;
Haim Bresheeth, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, London School of Oriental and African Studies And Director of Camera Obscura Films;
Alex Gordon, RMT;
Mary Stephens, PSC;
Ghada Karmi, Research Fellow, University of Exeter- Patron Palestine Solidarity Campaign;
Ian Birchall, writer and translator, UCU retirted section;
Shacklewell ward Labour Party, part of Hackney North CLP;
Peter Smith Labour Parliamentary Candidate for South West Norfolk;
Jane Doolan, Branch Secretary Islington UNISON ;
Diana James, Assistant Branch Secretary Islington UNISON;
Fiona Monkman, Chair Islington UNISON;
Mike Calvert, Islington UNISON Deputy Branch Secretary and ILC;
Mark Krantz, Media Officer Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition;
Ann Green British Pensioners & Trade Union Action Association;
Sue Plain UNISON NJC Committee and Southwark UNISON branch Secretary;
Mark Still RMT Waterloo;
Paul Murphy, Islington UNISON steward & Branch International Officer;
John Calderon, Labour Party - Hackney CLP;
Helen Peters, retired lecturer University of London, UCU;
Doreen McNally Liverpool Unite Community Branch , Former spokes woman for the Women of the Waterfront;
Paul Filby, UCATT Liverpool;
John Flanagan, trade unionist;
Sheila Coleman, Unite Liverpool Community Branch;
Mona Baker, Professor of Translation Studies University of Manchester;
Dr Gabriela Saldanha, Lecturer in Translation Studies University of Birmingham;
Sue Blackwell, Senior lecturer UCU;
Bahadur Najak,University of Durham;
Randy Banks, Institute for Social and Economic Research University of Essex, UCU;
Mike Cushman, London School of Economics, UCU;
Dr Barbara Harrell-Bond, Oxford University;
Paul Hudson, retired university Teacher;
Jo Ann Rust, Kings Lynn and District TUC, UNISON activist;
Nat Queen, University of Birmingham UCU;
George Binette, Camden UNISON Branch Secretary and Chair Camden TUC;
Sam Grove, Shop Steward, Islington UNISON;
Tyrone Ballinger, Shop Steward, Islington UNISON;
Yesim Senler, rep Islington UNISON; Pam Woods, Islington UNISON;
Denise Facey, Housing Convenor Islington UNISON;
Roger Silverman, Newham NUT;
Joanna Cardwell,Shop Steward, Islington UNISON;
Mandy Berger, Camden UNISON;
Felicity Dowling, Chester NUT;
Michael Loughlin, Manchester Metropolitan University; ;
Richard Carabine, Birkbeck College London, UCU;
David Halpin retired surgeons, founder of Dove and Dolphin ;
Dr George Paizis, UCU Retired Section;
Dee Reynolds University of Manchester;
Dr Shupikai Rinomhota School of Healthcare University of Leeds;
Professor Caroline Rooney, Global Uncertainties Leadership Fellow, University of Kent;
Marc Gibson, Loughborough University UCU Branch Secretary (Admin);
Graham Durham Unite Branch Secretary;
Keith Facey, Steward, Islington UNISON
Rosemary Plummer, Schools convenor, Islington UNISON;
Jenny Densham, Schools convenor, Islington UNISON;
Mary Compton, former National President of NUT, retired;
Brian Caton, former General Secretary of the POA;
Tony Phillips, London Fire Authority Branch Secretary UNISON;
Steve Forrest, GMB;
Steve Hedley, RMT;
Yael Khan, Islington Friends of Yibna;
Gerrard Sables, Peoples Assembly, Devon;
Henry Mott, Southwark Unite;
Angie Zelter;
Dean Ryan, Islington UNISON;
Siobhan Hawthorne, Islington UNISON;
Celia Oakwood, UNITE Liverpool;
Richard Gill, Islington UNISON;
Jenny Sutton, Chair UCU CONEL;
John Owen, TUSP Liverpool;
Frank Fitzmaurice, Merseyside UNITE;
Unite Branch 6/522
Mike Arnott, Dundee TUC;
John Sweeney, UCATT Political Organiser East of England;
Roger Burt;
Richard Seaford, UCU University of Exeter;
Alex Wood, Islington UNISON;
Matt Wells, PCS;
Anthony Brain, Birmingham STWC;
Marian Brain, UCU;
Norman Druker, UNISON retired member;
Miriam Wells, freelance journalist;
Ray Bush, University of Leeds;
Ed Bober, Norwich UNISON;
Max Shanly, Young Labour National Committee;
Alan Wylie, Islington UNISON;
Louise Whittle, Bristol UNISON;
Sean Fox, Haringey UNISON;
Chris Taylor, Haringey UNISON;
Gerard McGrath, Haringey UNISON;
Lisa McInerney, Islington UNISON;
Mick Gilgunn, Islington TUC;
Philip Lewis, Camden UNISON Vice Chair & Branch Health & Safety officer (PC);
Sarah Streatfeild;
Dr Lindiwe Dovey, SOAS;
Professor Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, SOAS;
Professor Laleh Khalilii, SOAS;
Maisie Carter, President, Merton and Sutton TUC;
Dave Carrier, Chair Merton Palestine Solidarity Committee;
Charlie Kiss, Camden UNISON;
John Ross academic;
Ellen Graubart Hackney Unite;
Philip Lewis Camden Unison vice chair & Branch health and Safety officer;
Steve Hedley RMT;
Sarah Streatfield ;
Alex Gordon RMT Paddington N°1;
Yael Kahn Chair Islington Friends of Yibna;
Atef Alshaer SOAS University of London;
Val Graham Derbyshire Unison ;
Mark Krantz Media Officer Greatezr Manchester Stop the War Coalition;
Mandy Berger Camden Unison ;
Alex Callinicos Kings College London;
Charlie Kimber, National Secretary of the SWP;
Charlie Kiss Camden Unison , Islington Green Party ;
Carolyn Kagan Professor Emerita, Manchester Metropolitan University;
Kevin Stannard;
Saussan Khalil University of Cambridge;
Kevin Perkins, Islington UNISON LGBT Convenor;
Jean Pierre Barrois retired Senior lecturer, freelance translator;
Andy Richards, Chair of Unison, Brighton and Hove;
Annette Mansell-Green, Green Trade Unionist;
Austin Harney, PCS;
Karolina O'Donoghue, "Palestine Live!"
Below is original French version
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