Monday, 9 July 2012

For the urgent attention of all branch members who are in, or eligible to join, the Local Government Pension Scheme : LGPS 2014 Consultation and Ballot – say “No” to reduced pension benefits and working longer

LGPS 2014 Consultation and Ballot – say “No” to reduced pension benefits and working longer

This is a letter going out to all Islington UNISON members with the consultative ballot

Dear Members

Following our successful strike action against attacks upon our pension scheme on 30 November last year, negotiations took place involving the trade unions and local authority employers at national level.

The proposed scheme “LGPS 2014” is now available and proposals are based upon the “Principles of Agreement” between the trade unions and the Local Government Association (LGA). Our branch Committee voted overwhelmingly to recommend that you reject these “Principles of Agreement” because they accepted working longer, paying more and getting less.

Details of the proposals are set out in the bulletin which accompanies this letter, which also includes links to more detailed information available online.

UNISON Conference two weeks ago agreed that there will be a member consultation on whether to recommend rejection or acceptance of this deal followed by a member ballot with the recommendation as per the outcome of the first ballot.

This means that you will be asked your views twice.

Enclosed with this letter is a consultative ballot paper from the branch. Please return this to the branch by the 12th July by fax 0207 607 8888, or by email – with your ballot paper number - to

At the end of July or beginning of August you will receive a formal national ballot paper.

You must participate in both the consultative ballot and the national ballot to make sure your voice is heard.

Say “NO” Twice

Islington UNISON Branch Committee (BC) met on 7th June and submitted a number of emergency motions to the NationalLocal Government Service group conference. In essence our BC has a long standing policy of rejection.

Enclosed is a leaflet explaining how you will pay more, work Longer and Get Less alongside some questions that still remain unanswered about LGPS 2014.

If you have any questions please also email or come along to the Branch meeting’s which will be held on Thursday 12th July 12.30pm and a further meeting @ 4.30pm primarily for school based staff, but all welcome. The meetings on 12th July will be held in the Main Hall, 2nd Floor, at the address above.

It’s time to have your say!!

Yours Sincerely
Jane Doolan,

Branch Secretary

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