Friday, 6 February 2015

NJC proposals and the decision to cancel the strike

This is the second motion to be moved by Islington at the special conference in March

This special service group conference Notes:

         The 2014/15 NJC pay claim was not awarded by the employer.
         Following the strike on 10 July 2014 there was no further action taken by UNISON members in pursuit of the claim.
         The decision to call off the strike due on 14th October 2014 was made on the basis of the promise of a revised offer following a negotiating meeting which did not involve any elected lay members of the NJC Committee.

•The decision of the NJC Committee to tell members this proposal was the best that could be achieved by negotiation and that the only alternative was significant all out action was taken without any consultation with Branches and Regions on the specific nature of the 2 year proposal

         The 2 year deal nature of the deal does nothing to address the increasing decline in real term pay, but actually prevents members to propose a pay claim & strategy for 2015/16. 

The conference further notes:
The service group review on the guidance on pay consultation as agreed at the Local government service group conference 2014. This conference agrees the new guidance should include clear guidelines facilitating branches and regions in making their own recommendation to their members in any future pay consultations in line with Democracy in UNISON guideline

This special service group conference Resolves to:

• Censure the NJC for failing to consult branches and regions over the revised offer before calling off strike action.

• Ensure in the future that decision to suspend strike action must involve a consultation process involving Branches and Regions on an actual offer from the employer

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