James, one of our two delegates to the National Delegate Conference this year
in Brighton, has written the following excellent snapshot summaries of the
events at NDC each day.
publish them for your information
22 June 2016
moving speech today by the Southwark privatised care worker called by social
worker to come and support an elderly client with dementia who had been burgled
at 4 in morning because she had no family and the social worker was going on
leave. Social Services didn't know what to do. She was asked to support the
client through the police interview and stay overnight. Of course she did and
went beyond the call of duty and contract because she cares on all levels - it
isn't 'just a job' and although her pay rate is appalling she has honour and
dedication like all the other care workers that Dave and George need to
recognise and ensure have proper employment rights and Living Wage - bring them
back into Local Authority -Now!
Cox stood for tolerance justice not just here but in the rest of world .
June at 10:33 ·
speech from Jeremy Corbyn this morning - inspirational solidarity -let's all
work together for a fairer society.
June at 10:12 ·
National Delegates Conference - Rosa Pavanelli - General Secretary , PSI
Cameron - trying to cut off the oxygen to the unions and destroying the social
fabric if this country.
- globally democracy is under attack. Whatever is decided by Britain today on
EU -all governments contribute to the will of the EU. It isn't faceless bureacrats.
crash 2008 workers rights, public services reduced- a global attack - it isn't
only a matter of wealth - it is about power and control.
and other trade agreements are not about trade, business and opportunity -
about creating rules to set up corporates to defy government rules. Companies
can take regulation that effect their ability to make profits - the profit of
few multi-national we have to pay, we lose our public services and
privatisation is progressed. Public opinion is beginning internationally -
South America- to understand whay is happening with these trade agreements.
; UNISON support workers in West Africa living through Ebola to gain workers'
rights and unionisation - 5 months and 700 health workers died. Working towards
equality -worked with workers sacked in Ebola emergency who exposed the
terrible working conditions. Need for public investment in those countries and
working with young workers in South Africa - PSI and UNISON - stop race to the
bottom - suffering for the profits of multi-national corporations- trillions of
American dollars in global tax havens - tax evasion is a crime and seen as a
crime - we need to stop poverty and inequality - itvis unacceptable. We are
prevented by the greedy few to have full human rights.
the right to strike we have no ability to counter attack and challenge our
enemies. We must stand together and expose all the inequality and injustice-
join together in solidarity and make the change globally.
June at 12:00 ·
National Delegates Conference currently debating fuel poverty - last 5 yrs 20
000 deaths and in last winter increase77%.why are the poorest in our society
charged more because the have to use fuel keys and can't afford to set up
direct debits - we are the 5th/6th richest country in the world. As a society
we should be disgusted with ourselves. The privatised Utilities owned by a
minority making profits out of all of us and out if the poorest. A basic human
right . What's not to like! How can anyone deny another individual this
entitlement let alone make profit out of other's poverty.
June at 12:25 ·
National Delegates Conference -Motion 5 -Debate on Bullying &
Harassment -Young People - Young members shared their personal experiences this
morning as recipients of bullying & harassment - at primary school, at
secondary school, at college and the other day a young Black worker shared how
at 16 -12 years ago at just turning 16 in error she got on the bus with her
under 16 year old bus pass just like all the previous days- she just hadn't
realised - she was arrested by the police -handcuffed and put in a police van
where she was verbally abused because is Black. She received a letter of
apology from the police - the damage was done and never to be undone. It wS
clear that she stills suffer from the trauma. The other young members speaking
today to Motion 5 were targeted because they were perceived to be 'different' -
suffering verbal, physical, psychological abuse - heartbreaking. The impact on
their self-esteem, confidence and achievement etc - huge. Feeling that they had
nowhere to turn to and no support from the schools, colleges, the employer.
UNISON Self-Organised Groups -Black, Young Members, LGBT , Disabled, have
empowered them to gain confidence and self-esteem and I hope they all carry on
growing stronger.
June at 14:32 ·
National Delegates Conference - Motion 74 - Women and the State Pension - women
born early fifties are excluded-because of Tory Pension reform- to full single
tier state pension - Men born of same age are eligible - massive gender gap in
pension provision - How can this be legal ? Can't the Human Rights and
Equalities Acts still exist! A nurse in her 60s is speaking and she finds that
she has had her state pension deferred another 2.5 years and may have to work
longer for her NHS pension. Lola Black worker - talks of the 32% gender gap
-pensions - she's a rousing speaker and says the Tories have struck the word of
Equalities out of the dictionary and they need to get 'Equality' back into
June at 14:35 ·
Tory government accelerated the 'reform' of State Pensions further
disadvantaging women and deepening state pension gender inequality
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